Tuesday December 29

Good Evening,

What a day… I am currently in NYC just counting down the minutes until I can finally leave home from work. It’s pretty chilly out which is great because I can finally say we are experiencing winter out here in the northeast.

Do you ever wonder why things are constantly changing? Recently life has changed drastically for me. People who I believed would always be in my life have vanished or I have just simply let go of them. But why is that? Why do we find the need to change or in some way emotionally evolve? Personally I think that we latch onto people when we are going through rough patches throughout our lives. It leaves us vulnerable in a way and we look for someone to hold us together in the mean time. Just like we look for love. I remember when I was about 12 years old, I was so desperate to find love. Now that I am a little older I think of myself as a fool for rushing into something I should have taken my time with. Then again life is all about learning so it is safe to say lesson learned. I’ve always liked my independence. I like to feel like I did something on my own without anyone’s help, I don’t see it as having pride but I definitely do feel proud of the things I have accomplished on my own. I am the kind of girl that may not say much at first but that is only because I have a gazillion thoughts running through my head as well as a wild imagination.

You know what though as I write all this I am honestly in a state of utter happiness. A happiness i cannot explain, a freedom and detachment of something that was emotionally overwhelming. For that reason I will end tonight with this 🙂

Night lovelies.



  1. David · December 30, 2015

    I read a book today tha t stated “We all make decisions because it feels right in the moment.” Sometimes we don’t think of the consequences that it will affect us later on in life. We all make bad decisions sometimes. Plus you’re 19 years old. For us young people it’s hard to make decisions. Our frontal lobe isn’t fully developed until the age of 26. The frontal lobe is in charge of de iso making and reasoning. I have made a lot of stupid decisions in life as well. I am glad that you’re happy btw 😊😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • braelynsepiphany · December 31, 2015

      I really like that, what book were you reading? I took psychology and learned about the parts of the brain and what they are in charge of my first semester in college so i definitely agree with you, but thank you i really appreciate it i hope you are too! 🙂


  2. Ruth · December 30, 2015

    The truth will make you free. How much can we learn day by day? A lot!!! Yes you said it, life is a lesson in progress.

    Love you dear Bri.
    Keep on fighting the good fight. 💜

    Liked by 1 person

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